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Beat It; The Slot Machine Technology

Every modern slot machine is operated by a computer software program and cannot just be beaten. The key in playing slot machines is to get to know as much information about the machine as possible so that you then can calculate your winning odds, or what may seem like your winning odds, in your head. We will provide you with the knowledge of the most important slot machine technology so that your odds of winning while playing slot machines will increase.

One important technology that you have to learn about is the Random Number Generator technology that is used by every slot machine on this planet, whether online or offline. The Random Number Generator can appear as a totally true random number or as a pseudo random numbers. The RNG generates numbers constantly at a rate of thousands or even ten thousands in a second. They key to winning the slot machine jackpot is to beat the RNG technology. This is quite difficult because the timing is the key factor that decides if you win or lose. If you press the button a nanosecond too late, you will lose the winning number and lose the game.

Another technology as mentioned above is the pseudo random number generator. This technology does not truly generate random numbers but are said to have a slot machine number pattern that will repeat itself at a given time in a given date. If you keep an eye out on those slot machines, you can precisely determine the next number or symbol combination and you can even calculate the time of the jackpot.

The next slot machine technology is the near miss programming. This kind of technology is a slot machine software program and comes with the machine upon purchase. The software cannot be changes because this would mean that the whole slot machine processor would have to be taken out of the machine. The near miss programming programs the computer to generate a near miss number. Let us take the cherry symbol for example; the near miss programming would generate two cherries and when you think that the third one will fall on a cherry, you get another symbol. This technology is widely used in slot machines because it makes the player think that they almost hit the jackpot and thus will keep the player playing.

Now you are armed with the important information on slot machine technology and how the casinos use this technology against the player. You should now be able to discern those slot machines and find your jackpot.

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